Justin Lima
Exsurgo’s commitment to being a leader in sport science and maximizing the impact of their technology has led to the creation of the Exsurgo Advisory Team. Each member of the advisory panel is an active coach who has been hand-selected based on knowledge, experience, and a desire to improve the field of athletic development. Our advisors provide input on device development, educational resources, and assessment/training protocols.
The first member of our 2021 Exsurgo Advisory Team is Coach Justin Lima. Coach Lima is in his third year as the Director of Football Performance with Towson University. He joined Towson after an internship with Harvard University and roles on the strength staff at the University of Iowa and the University of Maryland. Coach Lima holds a PhD in Health and Human Performance, a Master’s Degree in Strength and Conditioning, and is SCCC and CSCS certified. A proponent of servant leadership, Coach Lima is known for the time, energy, and passion that he devotes to his program and his athletes.
Coach Justin Lima was introduced to Exsurgo after the launch of our first product, the gFlight v1. Understanding how a portable, accessible device that measured jump height, ground contact, and RSI could benefit his programs, Coach Lima started testing the device for accuracy. This testing led to using the device in his PhD research, research that has validated the gFlight and proves the accuracy and reliability of the device. Today, Coach Lima uses the devices with each of his athletes as part of his custom, position-specific assessment.
While playing offensive line for four years, Coach Lima received his Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. As an athlete, he was aware of strength and conditioning but never thought it was a career option until conversations during graduate school. Once he made the jump into the field, he has been making up for lost time and soaking up information from every source possible. Countless mentors and colleagues have impacted him along his journey, and he is committed to pay that forward and improve coaches development. In addition to being a part of the Exsurgo Advisory Team, Coach Lima also is a contributing member of the Strength Coach Network and an advisor to the Baltimore Area Sports Health Initiative.
Covid-19 has placed a significant stress on all sports and programs, forcing those in leadership positions to balance serving their athletes with ensuring athlete safety, all while navigating a constantly changing environment. With Towson football having their season postponed, Coach Lima has been challenged to pivot but he is not alone. At least seven coaches from the Colonial Athletic Association have been connected through video, chats, and calls, providing ideas and solutions to better provide for their athletes. “These are competitors working together. The amount of respect and appreciation between coaches is what truly makes our industry special.”
Asked to provide recommendations on the three most effective tests, Coach Lima was able to narrow it down to four. Although he runs a number of other tests on each of his athletes these four, and the story that comparing them tells, provides a great foundation for understanding an athlete.
- Double leg squat jump
- Counter movement jump
- Depth jump (15” box)
- Broad jump
What started your career in strength and conditioning?
My offensive line coach from Bridgewater State - Coach Moyen. He got me bigger and stronger to play offensive line. He owned a gym and thats how i got my first taste of training athletes.
What is your favorite professional accomplishment?
Completing my PhD while working full time with the guys as their strength coach.
3 Reasons you are different from other strength coaches/therapists?
- Challenge traditional "norms" within the field of strength and conditioning - don't just copy and paste old heads.
- Level of education PhD Health and Human Performance
- Use of technology to guide training - gps, a:c, return to performance
Why do you choose to work with Exsurgo?
The ease of use and price of this technology can help lot of smaller budget schools and high schools get the ability to track metrics and hopefully improve the quality of training more athletes get.

Look for more information on these tests and others as Coach Justin Lima and the rest of the Exsurgo Advisory Team provide insight and education to our followers.